The holiday season, and every other season that comes to mind, individuals are constantly tempted with delicious indulgences that make it overwhelming impossible to stay on a healthy track and strict diet. Even an exercise routine seems far fetched given the busy scheduling and hustle and bustle. This year was no exception. New fad diets always seem to be relevant and promoted in and out of the forefront as the new solution in weight loss.“How effective? How much weight can I lose? Will I lose any?”We ask ourselves…
“Will the results last?”
“How much am I going to have to exercise?”
“How much preparation are meals?”
“Will this break my wallet?”
“Is now the right time?”
Over and over we make the attempts to finally resolve our on-going love/hate relationship with food and the holiday season. Continually searching for a realistic lifestyle change that one can stick to and that will work has become a full time job in and of itself.
One diet that has pushed its way into a media explosion was the hCG diet. At first, people were skeptical as they usually are when approaching a new diet, and many speculated it would be no different than any other trend in weight loss. hCG has proven it is not just a “fad”. It has overcome the odds of weight loss secrets that the elite of Hollywood and high-profile influencers use to maintain trim and red carpet ready all year round. Any why you ask?
Because it is a safe and efficient Medical Diet Program…
The hCG Diet has given over 1,000,000 people the weight loss results they desire. Individuals with a prescription hCG loses weight at an extreme rapid weight but through a completely natural, and safe method. Through hCG it is easily managed to keep the weight off, as your body enters a hyper burning fat state. Many of the negative press the hCG diet has absorbed are targeted toward the homeopathic version of hCG. We, at JustMelt® only utilize the pharmaceutical grade through prescription hCG.
hCG diet is named after the “natural” hormone the body produces during pregnancy- in addition to losing a lot of weight. The ultimate promise of HCG is to “reset your metabolism’ allowing you the ability to lose as much as one pound a day without feeling weak or hungry.
“hCG” stands for human chorionic gonadotrophin. It has become a media sensation and trending weight loss tool due to its dramatic and speedy results. Although the diet does limit you to 500 calories per day, the hormone makes it surprisingly easy to sustain appetite suppression. Your body is still receiving 2,000-3,000 calories per day by breaking down fat. With the proper vitamin supplementation and blood tests, this diet is safe. Being overweight is dangerous!

You are still suggested to eat two full meals a day including a healthy protein, veggie, carb, and fruit. No salmon, eel, tuna, herring, or dried or pickled fish are allowed. Vegetables choices include spinach, chard, chicory, beet greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, and cabbage. Bread can be one breadstick or one piece of melba toast. For fruit, you can choose an orange, an apple, a handful of strawberries, or half a grapefruit. The diet allows as much water, coffee, and tea as you want. You can also have up to 1 tablespoon of milk per day. You can use sugar substitutes but not sugar to sweeten drinks. Butter and oils aren’t allowed.
The hormone can be received through an administered shot, oral drops, pellets, or sprays.
*Disclaimer: Results may vary.
To begin your hCG Diet contact Dr. Jacquie Smiles and JustMelt Today! 1-800-WEJUSTMELT (1-212-447-1155)