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Are you the friend that’s always ordering a salad at lunch? Do you go to the gym every day, but never seem to see any results when it comes to your weight loss? No matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get rid of that stubborn belly fat. Well, how does a quick non-invasive solution sound to you? CoolSculpt removes stubborn fat deposits that exercise and dieting just can’t.

CoolSculpt is a FDA-approved technology that freezes (yes freezes!) unwanted fat. The best part about it is that it takes just as long as your daily gym workout routine. CoolSculpt can be applied to the stomach area, thighs, arms and legs. In as little as 3 weeks, you will begin to see a difference. Certain areas may take a little longer, however, on average you can expect to see results within 3 weeks.

Women who have had CoolSculpt treatment feel a boost in their self-confidence and overall mood. If plastic surgery just isn’t in your vocabulary, CoolSculpt is an incredible option for you.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation!