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Justmelt offers a wide array of services to its clients; from collagen building facials to injectables. However many of Justmelt’s services are targeted toward getting you the slimmer, more toned body you seek. Not only does Justmelt offer diets that are proven to work, but also non-surgical treatments to rid stubborn fat and add muscle tone. With services such as these, excuses are no longer an option…

A Diet That Works

Justmelt in NYC offers its patients the HCG Diet. Over 100,000 people have lost weight with the HCG Diet with essentially 100% success.   Under a doctor’s supervision, combined with a low calorie diet, this is a safe and effective method for weight loss, as pointed out most recently by Dr. Oz.

Patients typically lose 1-2 pounds per day while increasing their energy and reducing their appetite. Patients who use the HCG Diet also report success in keeping the weight off; and all while feeling well.

Rid Areas of Access Fat

By freezing your unwanted areas of fat, CoolSculpting allows you the benefits of a surgical procedure without needles or knives. After you have used CoolSculpting to treat your desired area, your body naturally metabolizes the “frozen” unwanted fat- and in 3 months you will see a drastic improvement to the selected area(s). Some report seeing results in as little as 3 weeks.

CoolSculpting has the added benefit of being a quick treatment (1 hour per treated area) and it also requires zero downtime (you can resume daily activities right after your treatment).

Coolsculpting leaves you with clothes that fit better and gives you the boost of confidence you seek.

Learn more about CoolSculpting

Tone Up

At Justmelt in NYC you can tone and firm with hundreds of muscle contractions per minute with Cyber Body Slim; creating an effective “workout” to tone muscles. Lose weight and increase lean muscle mass: 10 min = 1 hour workout at the gym!

Cyber Body Slim also improves flexibility, range of motion, balance, and mobility. Even further, the treatment fights cellulite!