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Are you a healthy weight because of proper nutrition and exercise, but you still have embarrassing fat spots that make you feel less adequate about your appearance? If you have though about pills or powders, please reconsider. Those substance can be dangerous for your health. Another popular option is liposuction, which requires surgery and weeks of downtime. For most, this option is unreasonable and not worth the risk. What can a person do? How about Coolsculpting?

model pinching the fat on her side

For most in NYC, Coolsculpting is a new term, even though the process has been around for since the 2000s. Learning more about the process helps patients know that the treatment is safe and that it works. In fact the process is one of the most effective, non-surgical methods for reducing fact and sculpting the body.

Important facts to know about Coolsculpting include:

  1. The FDA has approved cool sculpting as a safe and effective method of reducing fat. This just goes to show that the process is and worth considering.
  2. Unlike other fat reductions procedures, with Coolsculpting there is no need (ever) for needles, surgery, sedations, or downtown. After treatments, patients can immediately go back to daily life. Results can take some time to show (1 to 2 months for results to begin).
  3. Most areas of the body (areas that are pinchable) can be treated for Coolsculpting. This includes the love handles, bra fat, back fat, double chin, and more.

For Coolsculpting NYC, let us be your first call. Visit us at our medical spas in NYC.

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