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Knowing what to expect for new medical treatments can help calm minds and lessen anxiety. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive and FDA approved weight loss method that uses cold applicators to freeze fat in the body. After treatment, a human body will begin to shed the frozen fat cells naturally. What can you expect at your first appointment?

A client receiving a body sculpting treatment
During your first visit, you will meet one-on-one with a CoolSculpting technician for a free consultation. It is usually a doctor or other medical professional (trained in CoolSculpting) that will evaluate your needs, your body, and how the procedure will affect you. During the consultation, the clinician will take time to discuss holistic approaches you can take for reshaping your body. It is essential to recognize CoolSculpting does not permanently get rid of fat cells, and so weight can come back after first losing it. With the doctor, you will determine the areas of your body that would most benefit from CoolSculpting.
All bodies are different, and so CoolSculpting clinicians work with everyone to create a custom-tailored plan to fit specific needs. At times, custom plans include multiple body parts. It is possible to freeze out fat from both the inner and outer thighs. The treatment can also be used for muffin tops.
During your treatment day, you have very little to worry about. You will be reclining in a comfortable chair, and then you will have a gel pad applicator applied to target areas. Our applicators then begin to deliver controlled cooling to targeted fat regions. During the treatment, you should feel free to check emails, read, or even nap—it’s up to you.
For more information about CoolSculpting, visit us at our medical spa in NYC. Med spas are safe and effective for many medical and beauty treatments. For CoolSculpting New York, let us be your first call.

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