Emsculpt is an FDA-approved body contouring device that builds muscle mass and burns fat. This innovative device helps you tone trouble areas that aren’t affected by diet and exercise alone.
Continue reading to find out 10 mind-blowing facts about Emsculpt that will make you want to book an appointment today!
1. Emsculpt Treatment is Painless
The treatment is completely pain-free and the only discomfort felt after treatment is the same sore muscle feeling you would experience after a session at the gym. The muscle soreness is temporary and no other side effects are experienced.
2. Emsculpt Treatment Only Takes 30 Minutes
Do you have a busy schedule? Most people do, but chances are you have 30 minutes of the day to schedule Emsculpt treatment. During the session, you can relax, check your social media and answer emails if needed.
3. Emsculpt Builds Muscle and Reduces Fat
Clinical studies have revealed Emsculpt treatment increases muscle mass by 16% and reduces fat up to 19% depending on the patient. If you spend hours at the gym and still can’t get the muscle definition and tone you want, Emsculpt will help you reach your goals.
4. Emsculpt is 100% Safe
This non-invasive procedure is 100% safe. The treatment involves relaxing while paddles are placed in the targeted areas then removed after the session is complete. There’s no scars, no side effects, and no pain!
5. You Will See Results In 3 to 4 Weeks
Generally, patients need 4 to 5 treatment sessions based on their personal goals. Once the treatment is complete you will see Emsculpt results in 3 to 4 weeks.
6. No Pre-Treatment Preparations Needed
There’s no need for special diets, cleansing or any other physical preparations before treatment. Showing up for your appointment can be easily scheduled into your day and even done during your lunch break from work!
7. Emsculpt is the #1 Butt-Shaper
Do you do tons of squats at the gym that don’t seem to tone or shape your butt? Emsculpt creates intense muscle contractions that can’t be achieved during a workout.
This innovative technology tones and tightens areas of the body that don’t respond to regular exercise including love handles.
8. Emsculpt Creates the Abs You Always Wanted
Toned and sculpted abs are on the top of everyone’s wish list when it comes to body contouring. Emsculpt contracts muscles and forces the tissue to adapt to the intense conditions by remodeling the inner structure of the muscle. The results are toned abs!
9. Emsculpt is Affordable
This amazing non-invasive treatment could make consumers think Emsculpt costs a lot of money. However, the good news is, it’s highly affordable and most doctors who offer Emsculpt accept a variety of payment options such as cash, credit cards, insurance, and monthly installment plans.
10. You Can Schedule Follow-Up Appointments
Emsculpt results usually last 6 to 12 months. However, some patients who gain a few pounds might require a few more sessions to help tone up certain areas along the way. You have the freedom to schedule more appointments in the future to ensure you keep the look you desire.
Are you interested in Emsculpt? Contact us today to book an appointment!
Call: 212-447-1155
We are conveniently located near Midtown at 30 East 40th Street, Suite 806 (between Madison & Park) New York, NY 10016.