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How much is Emsculpt in NYC?

The price of Emsculpt in NYC averages around $1,000 per session.

Emsculpt cost also depends on what doctor or med spa you go to, the location and which area of the body you plan to work on. 

Our NYC clients are encouraged to complete at least four sessions to see visible results. Maintenance sessions are also encouraged to keep the muscles in shape and toned.

The Emsculpt program is usually four treatments total over a two-week period which you can expect the total cost to be between $3,000 to $4,000 in NYC.

EMSCULPT Special - Get $500 Off

Please call us at 212-447-1155 if you have any questions about Emsculpt in NYC or would like to schedule your free consultation.

We are conveniently located near Midtown at 30 East 40th Street, Suite 806, (between Madison and Park) New York, NY 10016.