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It’s now officially 2014, and although your resolution may have been to lose weight-how are you getting started? Justmelt in NYC offers the HCG Diet to our clients to get them to their goal weight quicker and more effectively. This year, make sure your resolution doesn’t get left behind!

The first step is taking your weight loss goal seriously. The toughest part is getting started. Finding the right program can be the most difficult part for those wanting to slim down. Today we are bombarded with weight loss programs and diet plans-with many of them bringing little success. A weight loss plan that is proven to work and that has shown real results in mass numbers is what the HCG Diet offers. The HCG Diet has given over 100,000 people the weight loss results they desire.

Choose the right doctor to track your results.  Justmelt and Dr. Jacquie Smiles offer the HCG Diet, giving you the supervision you need to be successful with this safe and effective method for weight loss. Respected healthcare figures, such as Dr. Oz, stand by the HCG Diet because of the unique fat burning properties and post-weight loss maintenance this program offers.

Take the time to research your weight loss plan.  HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a natural hormone produced during pregnancy. The HCG Diet uses this hormone to trick your body into a pregnancy state-wherein your body enters into a hyper fat burning state.  Responsible for this phenomenon is the fat burning properties of HCG.

Patients typically lose 1-2 pounds per day while increasing their energy and reducing their appetite. Patients who use the HCG Diet also report success in keeping the weight off; and all while feeling well.

The diet works for both men and women.

To begin your HCG Diet in NYC contact Dr. Jacquie Smiles and Justmelt Today! 1-800-WEJUSTMELT (1-212-447-1155)