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Does the thought of facelift surgery make you squirm a little? The needles, the anesthesia, the blood, and the extended recovery make many people uncomfortable. If you’re afraid of surgery, you may be thinking that there’s no other way to improve your facial appearance and make you look younger.

It’s time to rethink your options. A new kind of treatment, Ulthera, is a non-invasive therapy that uses harmless ultrasound waves to lift and tighten the skin on your face and neck. The energy from the ultrasound is able to stimulate the collagen in your skin and provide remarkable results without surgery.

What makes Ulthera different from the other cosmetic treatments available today? Here are three answers.

1. Ulthera is able to work on the deep foundations of your skin without making a single cut. Those deeper layers of skin are where plastic surgeons focus their efforts during facelift surgeries. With Ulthera, they are able to apply treatment on the outside, but penetrate the energy deep into the collagen-containing tissues.

2. Ulthera doesn’t use knives or lasers. With Ulthera, your doctor is able to use the ultrasound to see and treat those deep layers of skin without cutting or applying massive amounts of heat. The ultrasound technology allows the doctor to visually target certain areas and initiate the collagen-building process that will tone and tighten the skin.

3. Ulthera is an extremely fast procedure that requires no downtime. The ultrasound therapy can be done in as little as one hour. Since the process is non-invasive, there’s no need for a recovery. You can resume your normal activities immediately.

If you’re not ready for facelift surgery, that’s okay. With Ulthera you can get an “uplift” that can take years off your face. It’s a natural process that can be completed over the lunch hour. No need for surgery, no need for downtime.